Cybersecurity In Maritime Shipping Industry

Cybersecurity In Maritime Shipping Industry

In the digital age, it is very important to have information about security and data safety issues.
Cybersecurity is essential in shipping because it is concerned with the data protection onboard
vessels as it can create manipulation and disruption of hardware and sensors.
Cybersecurity has a huge potential to affect the safety of the crew, vessels, cargo and even ports.
which we have witnessed in recent years of malware issues in port systems.
With the development of information technologies in maritime logistics, such problems will arise
more often if adequate measures are not taken.
It is recommended that Companies should acquire Cyber Risk Management in their management
system in order to solve the above problems.
Cyber Risk Management can perform the following 3 major activities:
 Define the roles and responsibilities of users, key personnel and management, both ashore
and aboard.
 Implement technical and procedural measures to protect against cyber incidents and ensure
business activity.
 Identify systems, assets, data that, if breached, could pose a threat to the operation and
safety of the ship.
Cybersecurity should be seen at all levels of the company, from the top management onshore to
onboard personnel, as an integral part of the safety culture required for the safe and efficient
operation of a ship.
4 Major Recommendations for MSME in the Shipping and Logistics segment is:
1) Install antivirus software in your respective systems.
2) to have a monthly system health check.
3) IT Professional Support who can assist with data protection.
4) Cloud backup system for your data.


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