Home Blog Gas Carriers and their Different Designs The most important feature of gas carriers is their Cargo Containment System. Cargo Containment Systems is the general arrangement of gas carriers. They are designed on the basis of functionality and the type of cargo they carry. Gas carriers are categorised into the following types: INTEGRAL TANKS: […]
Home Blog Facts About Shipping Industry Facts About Shipping Industry 1. Over 97% of the ocean containers are manufactured in China. 2. Average life of a 20ft container is 20 years. For a 40ft container the average life is even more. 3. While on the sea, 2/3 of ships have no means of communication and […]
Home Blog Export Custom Clearance Export Custom Clearance Export customs clearance is a government requirement to allow goods to be shipped outside of its trade zones. The export customs clearance procedure is the process of goods leaving one country to be shipped to another. Customs Clearance is a complex and time-consuming process that every Exporter […]